Monday, November 10, 2008

The American Library Associations Response to the USA PATRIOT Act

Hi this is Jill - I'd forgotten some of the other topics people had chosen - it's been fun to go through and see them again!  There are some really interesting topics!

Coolidge, Katherine K. ""Baseless Hysteria": The Controversy between the Department of Justice and the American Library Association over the USA PATRIOT ACT." Law Library Journal 97 (2005): 7-29. 22 Feb. 2005. Education; Library and Information Science. Wilson Web. UW Madison, Madison. 14 Oct. 2008. Keyword: USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and American Library Association. The controversy between the American Library Association and the Department of Justice pertaining to the USA PATRIOT Act is examined in this article. Ms. Coolidge asserts that both Attorney General John Ashcroft and the American Library Association took their arguments on the issue to the extreme. Ms. Coolidge suggests that both sides must work together to find a balance where individuals have both privacy and security.

"What to do before, during and after a "knock at the door?"" Guidelines for Librarians on the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act. 19 Jan. 2002. American Library Association. 14 Oct. 2008 . The American Library Association issued this document to suggest guidelines to follow in the event a law enforcement authority requests access to patron records. There are guidelines for before, during and after any request is made. A statement at the beginning of the document makes it very clear that these guidelines are not legal advice but merely suggestions for libraries of all types.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey, Jill,
Just a quick note. You would do well, it seems to me to be a bit more specific in your annotations. For example, in your discussion of the Coolidge essay, you suggest the author finds the positions that the AlA and Ashcroft take are extreme. Please, very briefly, define each extreme. For example: Ashcroft posits that the government has a right to all records of all patrons whenever the gov't. as an extreme position. In contrast, the ALA argues that no library should ever, in any circumstances, provide any information about a patron's library record. Coolidge suggests both positions are extreme.

This way we know what Coolidge is labeling extreme; there is some definition. Similarly, without going into great detail, you might suggest what generally the guidelines entail. For example, the ALA recommends that all libraries have in place established guidelines regarding patron records and employee response.

You get the idea, be brief, yes, but specific.

Aagh. I think my writing teacher persona just stepped in.